Serenity Speaks

Conversations on Wellness 

The Podcast

Episode 23 

In Conversation with Cleo of 'Peace Love Yoga'.

The Ajna chakra is the focus of episode 23;  the centre of intuition and insight. We explore how yoga can enhance our clarity of thought, deepen our intuition, and awaken our inner wisdom.

Today, we're focusing on empowering practices to tap into our innate intuition and insight.

Located at the space between the eyebrows, the Ajna chakra ir related to the colour Indigo and governs our ability to see beyond the physical realm and perceive the deeper truths of our existence. 

When this chakra is balanced, we experience clarity of thought, deep insight, and a strong connection to our inner guidance. But when it's out of balance, we may feel confused, disconnected from our intuition, or unable to trust our inner knowing.

Yoga offers a variety of practices to help balance the Ajna chakra. Meditation and visualisation techniques can help us connect with our inner wisdom and intuition. Additionally, breathing exercises like Alternate Nostril Breathing can help harmonise the energy of the third eye chakra and enhance our clarity of thought.

To further balance the third eye chakra, I invite you to join me in a guided meditation for Ajna Chakra and finally, thank you for joining me on this enlightening journey through the Ajna chakra. 

I hope you find this episode empowering and inspiring, exploring the transformative power of yoga and the third eye. 

Tune in for our next episode, where we'll conclude our series on the chakras and explore the crown centre of spiritual connection and enlightenment. 

Until then, may you trust in your inner wisdom, embrace the journey of self-discovery, and find serenity in every moment. 
