Serenity Speaks
Conversations on Wellness
The Podcast
In Conversation with Cleo of 'Peace Love Yoga'.
In episode 22, we embark on an empowering exploration of yoga and its profound connection to the Vishuddha chakra, the throat centre of communication and expression. We acknowledge how yoga enhances our ability to speak our truth with courage and clarity. We focus on empowering practices to tap into our authentic voice.
Located at the throat, the Vishuddha chakra governs our ability to communicate authentically and express our truth. When this chakra is balanced, we speak with clarity, honesty, and integrity. But when it's out of balance, we may struggle with communication issues, difficulty expressing ourselves, or feelings of being silenced or unheard.
Yoga offers a variety of practices to help balance the Vishuddha chakra. Throat-opening poses like Fish Pose, Shoulder Stand, and Camel Pose can help stretch and stimulate the throat area, allowing energy to flow freely through the Vishuddha chakra. Additionally, pranayama or breathing-exercises like Lion's Breath can help release tension and empower our voice.
To further balance the Vishuddha chakra, I invite you to join me for a guided meditation.
I hope you found this episode enlightening and inspiring. We'll continue our exploration of the chakras and dive into the Ajna chakra, the third eye, centre of intuition and insight. Until then, may you speak your truth with courage and clarity, and find serenity in every moment.