Serenity Speaks

Conversations on Wellness 

The Podcast

Episode 21 

In Conversation with Cleo of 'Peace Love Yoga'.

Welcome back to Serenity Speaks: Conversations on Wellness. In this episode, we embark on a heart-opening journey through the transformative practice of yoga and its profound connection to the Anahata chakra—the centre of love and compassion. Join me as we explore how yoga can help us cultivate an open heart and deepen our capacity for love and connection.

Located at the centre of the chest, the Anahata chakra is associated with our capacity for love, compassion, and connection—to ourselves and others. When this chakra is balanced, we experience an open heart, deep empathy, and a sense of inner peace. But when it's out of balance, we may feel closed off, disconnected, or unable to give and receive love freely.

Yoga offers a variety of practices to help balance the Anahata chakra. Heart-opening poses like Cobra Pose, Camel Pose, and Bridge Pose can help release tension in the chest and shoulders, allowing energy to flow freely through the heart centre. Additionally, Pranayama or breath-work exercises like Ujjayi Breath can help us connect with the rhythm of our hearts and expand our capacity for love and compassion.

To further balance the Anahata chakra, I invite you to join me in a guided meditation:

I hope you find this episode enlightening and inspiring exploring the transformative power of yoga and the Anahata chakra. Look out for our next episode, where we'll continue our exploration of the chakras moving to Vishuddha, the throat centre of communication and expression. 

Until then, may you carry the love and compassion you've cultivated in your heart, and find serenity in every moment. Namaste.
